Communication without Barriers Featured Ablio launches online telephone interpreting services in UK Rome, 19th March 2019. Ablio [] has launched its telephone interpreting services in the United Kingdom. All our customer care and sales operations for the UK market will be handled from our local office in Weston-super-Mare, on the Atlantic Coast near Bristol. Even though our services can be
Communication without Barriers Ablio launches telephone interpreting services in Brazil Rome, 19 November 2018. Ablio [] is opening its telephone interpreting services in Brazil today. It is launching the localized version of its service platform as well as opening new offices in Brasilia, where its customer care operations for the Brazilian market will be handled. “We are the
Communication without Barriers Ablio service platform restyling The graphic restyling of [] platform is now live and has been designed to ensure clarity of processes, information, and usability, while remaining loyal to our idea of creating a better working place for interpreters from all over the world and to the desire of delivering
Communication without Barriers TOURISM AND HEALTH INSURANCE: SAFE TRAVEL TIPS We are all happy and excited when we start to plan our next vacation trip and quite often we don’t give much attention to taking proper precautions against the unexpected. Before leaving for a trip abroad, it is always good practice to inquire and subscribe to a health insurance
Communication without Barriers How to start requesting a telephone interpreting service with ablio? ablio [] is an innovative platform that provides live-interpreting services anywhere in the world at anytime. Whether online or offline, on the go, or at the office, ablio provides interpreters that can translate in real-time from any language into any language for corporations, small businesses, and consumers alike.
Communication without Barriers European Commission awards Ablio with a grant for its new simultaneous translation system Ablio ( []) has been recently awarded with a prestigious grant by the European Commission for the development of “ AblioConference []”, an innovative simultaneous translation system for events and conferences. Through its cloud-based software platform, event organizers can run all operations related to handling, management
Communication without Barriers STANDARD, BUSINESS AND EXPERT: OUR SERVICE LEVELS FOR TELEPHONE INTERPRETING When you rent a car you can choose between many different models: Compact, for short metropolitan transfers, station wagons, if you have a large family, or vans, if you need to transport bulky items. Why should you not have the possibility to choose when you need an interpreter? We know
Communication without Barriers MEDICAL TELEPHONE INTERPRETERS: A SOLUTION FOR LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY HEALTHCARE Adam Hoffman, journalist, in his article “Millions of Americans Are Getting Lost in Translation During Hospital Visits” discusses about a young girl's story in Massachusetts that is just one example of a growing problem across the national health care system in USA and how it has
Communication without Barriers Ablio raises US$650K for hi-tech Telephone Interpreting Platform Ablio []’s online live interpreting platform which allows anyone to easily talk in any other language with everybody has just completed its first US$650,000 seed investment round led by Italian investor Lazio Innova and backed by an international group of business angels. Driven by multiple
Comunicare senza barriere Utilizzo dell’interpretariato telefonico nei servizi sanitari La figura dell’interprete esterno, presente in loco nelle strutture sanitarie, è stata adottata fin dagli anni ottanta in paesi come gli Stati Uniti e l’Australia, a seguito di specifiche leggi nazionali a tutela delle minoranze linguistiche e dei diritti di accesso ai servizi pubblici e sanitari nazionali. Pur
Lingue Quante lingue si parlano negli Stati Uniti? Quando pensiamo agli Stati Uniti la lingua che ci viene in mente è senza dubbio l’inglese. Non consideriamo però che la popolazione americana, e la relativa cultura, è profondamente multietnica, come risultato delle migrazioni su larga scala nel corso della sua storia. La lingua inglese infatti, seppur sia la
Comunicare senza barriere I nostri interpreti su cloud per aiutare chi parla lingue diverse Abbiamo incontrato il co-founder della startup che ha sviluppato una piattaforma di interpreti online che consente a chiunque di dialogare in altre lingue con i propri interlocutori. «Ablio contribuisce a risolvere i problemi di comunicazione tra utenti che non possono comprendere le rispettive lingue» di Alessio Nisi per StartupItalia, 21
Interprete Il ruolo degli interpreti nella letteratura La professione dell’interprete non è certamente la più popolare del mondo, soprattutto in Italia, in cui non è ancora così largamente diffusa la pratica dell’interpretariato. Per fortuna però abbiamo esempi di letteratura classica e moderna che consentono a tutti di entrare in questo universo sconosciuto ai più. Chi,
Interprete L’interprete: un lavoro con origini nobili e antiche Vi siete mai chiesti quando si sia sviluppata la professione dell’interprete? Gli interpreti esistono fin dall’inizio dei tempi, quando le tribù nomadi si incontravano durante i loro viaggi, rendendosi dunque conto di parlare lingue diverse e di avere estrema difficoltà a comunicare. La scoperta di bassorilievi egiziani del
Comunicare senza barriere L’importanza dell’interpretariato in ambito medico I ricercatori di uno studio hanno evidenziato che avere facilmente accesso ad un interprete sarebbe un vantaggio per i servizi ospedalieri. Il numero di Novembre 2015 del “Medical Care”, la Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’American Public Health Association, ha reso nota una ricerca chiamata “Inaccurate Language Interpretation and Its Clinical Significance
Comunicare senza barriere Comunicare in altre lingue è ancora più facile e funzionale con ablio comunicare in altre lingue è ancora più facile e funzionale Ablio arricchisce la propria piattaforma di interpreti on-line con nuovi servizi e funzionalità per risolvere tutte le tue esigenze di interpretariato. ablioTEL. Se sei in viaggio, con scarsa o nulla possibilità di accesso a Internet, puoi adesso richiedere
Comunicare senza barriere Dicono di noi – press E' stato pubblicato sulla versione online del quotidiano La Repubblica un nuovo articolo del giornalista Ernesto Assante su Ablio. Riportiamo il testo dell'articolo.
Interpreting Dissertation on Telephone Interpreting As part of our partnership with primary language universities and institutes we get the chance to spend time with students having their internship with us, providing them tools and support to strengthen their interpreting skills, and helping them in getting oriented in the complex business environment of the translation and
Comunicare senza barriere Una tesi di laurea sull'interpretariato telefonico All’interno dei nostri programmi di collaborazione con le università e gli istituti di lingue abbiamo spesso l’occasione di interagire con i loro studenti, fornendo loro stage di apprendistato per rafforzare le loro esperienze linguistiche e sessioni di orientamento nel complesso ambiente lavorativo della traduzione e della mediazione linguistica.
Language Hindi is the Largest Spoken Indian language in the United States Based on census data, The Hindu [] newspaper reports Hindi is principal spoken Indian language in US. The American Community Survey (ACS) data on languages spoken at home previously only reported findings for 39 languages. This is only the second time the
Interpreter Inaccurate Language Interpretation and Its Clinical Significance in the Medical Encounters of Spanish-speaking Latinos The November 2015 issue of Medical Care []—the Official Journal of the Medical Care Section, American Public Health Association—included a research report titled "Inaccurate Language Interpretation and Its Clinical Significance in the Medical Encounters of Spanish-speaking Latinos." Its focus
Interpreter What Interpreters Learn in College Of course, professional interpreting doesn't require a college degree and a lot of interpreters enter the field as bilingual speakers who choose to train more in medical, judicial, or other forms of interpreting. That isn't to say that simply being bilingual is necessarily the sum total
Interpreting Featured The Role and Responsibilities of a Media Interpreter For a full-time media interpreter, the work is grueling, the requirements are many, and the schedule can be tough. For a freelance interpreter, the work can be more relaxed. But, in both roles, the excitement of media interpreting more than makes up for its demands and immediacy.
Interpreting Historical Telephone Interpretation In general, the official advent of telephonic interpretation is believed to have occurred in Australia, where the sheer volume of land created a need. In 1973, the 24-hour Emergency Telephone Interpreting Service was created by the Department of Immigration, and it provided interpreting in eight languages. Other countries were somewhat
Interpreter Interpreters in Literary Fiction: 3 Examples There are interpreter characters in film, as well as onstage and on television, but the full breadth of the interpreter is truly explored in books. This is ironic, since the interpreter deals with the spoken word and the translator deals with the written word. Nonetheless, literature has truly made the