We are all happy and excited when we start to plan our next vacation trip and quite often we don’t give much attention to taking proper precautions against the unexpected. Before leaving for a trip abroad, it is always good practice to inquire and subscribe to a health insurance plan suitable for our trip. In many countries, even a something banal may become a financial drama for those who do not have adequate insurance protection.

Thanks to many websites which enable you to compare prices from different vendors, such as or, or the abundance of travel insurance offers available online today, it is very easy to purchase a suitable plan for your trip, taking away any cause for worry or possible problems. The policies available obviously vary depending on the destination, but they usually include reimbursement of any medical or hospital costs or even legal expenses related to an unexpected medical emergency.

It is important to assess maximum coverage, eventual deductibles, pathologies not covered by the policy (such as chronic diseases, accidents due to dangerous sports or natural disasters), if there is a guarantee of repatriation and the identification of affiliated structures.

Likewise, if you are concerned about your health when you travel, you must also predict how to communicate with foreign doctors or local health facilities, because it is not enough to be reimbursed, you also have to be able to make yourself understood! And for this, Ablio is there for you: providing a service available anywhere you happen to be, via telephone or computer, with interpreters who are specialized in medical terminology. Now you no longer have to improvise or hurriedly put something together to make yourself understood.

Simply sign up on and configure your account to be ready to use the service. Unlike an insurance policy, registration before your trip is free and you may use it as needed. You only pay at the end of each conversation for the minutes actually incurred, without any other commitments or minimum contractual obligations. Ablio is the ideal travel partner with which to approach health insurance to ensure a safe trip with no worries!