Remote Simultaneous Interpreting Service: a 5-star feature for videoconferencing providers and global attendees!

Since the start of the 21st Century, computer and communication technology has moved on apace. Remember the dial up modem and the painfully slow transference of data? It’s taken just a few years to develop a means of communication and transference of data,which has meant that, during the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more, people are able to work from home.
The casualties of the present situation - and something we all miss - are of course live meetings , conferences and events. However, because of the rapid development of on line communication, the virtual conference phenomenon, through which we can speak, express, and hear anyone in the world, has become one of the most important valuable changes of the epoch. In fact, many videoconferencing service providers try to make the virtual experience more and more vivid and full of features available to a widening audience.
Prompted by the current situation, we have moved to the next step and are looking beyond.It is no longer enough to connect with someone and be able to see and hear them, we need to provide them with a virtual experience. So it’s the additional services that will make the difference. Definately one of the most important features that conference service providers can offer is a simultaneous interpreting service (RSI). This is designed especially for multilingual virtual conferences, where conference speakers present in their native tongue while attendees listen in their preferred language.
It is for this reason that we have decided to create an interpreter-oriented platform, Our original conception which informed the design of the platform was to ensure that professional interpreters could feel "at home" looking at the PC screen and their new digital console (read also this article: The Conference Interpreters Virtual Booth).
At the same time, we understood that each individual or organisation either for business reasons or by habit, is tied to a favourite videoconferencing platform. So our Ablioconference platform, to be effective needed to be able to integrate with any video conferencing platform.
This we have achieved but, as market demands grow, further integration will in time be needed to enhance the experience of interpreters and customers alike. If you have any thoughts or comments , we’d love to hear them . Post them to us.