How to plan for Simultaneous Interpretation at an In Person Event or Conference

How to plan for Simultaneous Interpretation at an In Person Event or Conference

1) First and foremost it’s important to check with the client/organiser, whether Interpretation is required at the event, Don’t regard it as a ‘nice-to-have’ or make it a last minute addition. Why? Because it’s inclusion will impact upon all other aspects of the Event – Registration, Seating Plan, Technical delivery and budget.

2) Check where is the event happening? In door, outdoor? Outdoor excludes the use of traditional infra red systems and will need either an FM radio transmission or a bidule system.

3) Determine how many people will need interpretation at the event? If its over 100 then a bidule system will be inadequate.

4) Does the client wish to choose the method of delivery or do they want you or your technical service provider to provide it? If the latter, check whether they will sub-contract it out and to whom? Make sure that they are aware of all methods of delivery and are not just wedded to one in particular.

5) Is Cost a consideration? If so check out the difference between a traditional infra red/bidule system against the newer Remote Simultaneous Interpretation platforms. See our blog on the differences between traditional and RSI Platforms.

6) If you choose the traditional systems – infra red, fm radio or bidule- ensure that the seating manager works with the technical director to place the delegates in the right area of the venue to receive the signal? Ensure that there is enough lobby space and staff to man the distribution of headsets and their re-charging. Make sure that there enough space to set up the interpreter booths.

7) Does the client have their own preferred interpreters do they want you to source them? You can either use a language service provider yourself or have the supplier of the system engage them.

8) Alternatively, seek an organisation that provide both the system and interpreters.

9) Should you choose to use a Remote Simultaneous Platform and their own interpreters, check the method of delivery to the delegates – mobile app or web app - and how they can guarantee wi-fi connectivity. See our blog on choosing the right RSI Platform.

10) If delegates are to receive the translation channels through their own smart devices, ensure that they are instructed to download the application or link to the web app prior to attending the event.

11) Whatever method you use make sure that the interpreters have the agenda, documents, scripts etc. well before the event so that they can be fully prepared.

12) Ensure good communication exists between technical service manager, interpreter system manager and the interpreters themselves so that on event day all runs seamlessly.

If you need help in planning for Simultaneous Interpretation at your event, why not talk to one of our experts?

Using state-of-the-art IT & telecommunication technologies, ablio makes language interpretation services easily available to everyone, in any context, by creating tools and service platforms that are supported by its own community of live interpreters.
For further information please visit our websites:
ablio.euGeneral Website
ablio.comOPI Platform
ablioconference.comSimultaneous Interpreting Platform
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ablioconference: the complete simultaneous interpretation management system for conferences and events. – website
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Live interpreting, on-demand … made simple.