Use Interpretation Services To Expand Your Audience Internationally

Reaching out to new markets across the globe is made easier with the Internet and increasingly web designers are enabling your site to be displayed in different languages at the click of a button and written materials are the domain of numerous translation agencies. Before long AI will come and do some of the heavy lifting in these areas too.
But whilst you may make initial contact by responding to an email request, there comes a moment when a straightforward call or face to face meeting is needed and that’s where the use of Interpretation Services become paramount.
B2B Services
Primarily, using an efficient telephone interpretation service can certainly help you build your business. With an effective telephone interpretation service you can easily connect to your customers /suppliers/potential customers and explain your services and negotiate the finer details in their native language.
This will give your brand much more credibility when selling to them. Your clients and customers will appreciate the effort you have made to present your services into their language, which has the potential to induce more brand loyalty. If customers can reach you in their own language and know that you’ll be able to deal with their demands, they are much more likely to use your services as opposed to a rival. No matter how small your business may be, if you are considering interpretation services for your business, you are in a position to benefit from our globalised world.
Using state-of-the-art IT & telecommunication technologies, Ablio makes language interpretation services easily available to everyone, in any context, by creating tools and service platforms that are supported by its own community of live interpreters.
The Ablio over the phone interpreting platform is the most direct and convenient solution for your particular interpreting needs. Qualified interpreters for your required language combinations: whenever you need one, wherever you are. It’s Pay-as-you-go, no contracts, no minimums, starting at $1.68 per minute. Set up your free account and you are ready to go:
For Events, Meetings, Seminars, and Conferences
Before the Covid Pandemic, one way of attracting international business was to take a stand at one of the many trade fairs. The larger ones were able to attract companies, organisations and individuals from around the world.
Suddenly all of this came to a halt and the Event Industry was forced to look at Virtual Alternatives.
A whole new world of globalisation opened up and with it some clear advantages particularly in the realm of cost savings. No need to send teams and equipment by air. No need for hotels and expense accounts.
On the other side of the coin, companies normally unable to afford the traditional model could now become involved via the internet, able to take advantage of listening to keynote speakers, to fix up meetings with company representatives and network with other visitors to the site.
In a counterintuitive way the market reach has expanded.
With the use of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation software, language barriers disappear with the result that further expansion is possible.
The Ablioconference platform works in conjunction with any virtual conference or event platform.
· It’s highly flexible
· It can be run in parallel with any platform or be embedded or video stream
· We can manage the platform, or we can train your technical guys to do it
· You can use your own interpreters, or we can provide them.
· Delegates have different ways of hearing the interpretation - mobile devices, web app or where it’s embedded within the conference platform itself.
· It’s pay per use with no binding contract. Price depends upon the complexity of the service required. Working with Ablioconference starts with a quote.
And if you are now migrating back to in person events, the platform can be used either to replace or complement the traditional infrared systems, which by the way we can provide through our partners, along with the on site interpreters from our large pool of trained professionals.
If you are planning a multilingual event? Please request a quote or schedule a free consultation with our experts.
For further information you can search the following - - General Website - OPI Platform - Simultaneous Interpreting Platform