How to start requesting a telephone interpreting service with ablio?

How to start requesting a telephone interpreting service with ablio?

ablio is an innovative platform that provides live-interpreting services anywhere in the world at anytime. Whether online or offline, on the go, or at the office, ablio provides interpreters that can translate in real-time from any language into any language for corporations, small businesses, and consumers alike.

Telephone Interpreting Services are rendered through the ablio platform, which automates all operational aspects. Once you select the two languages needed, an interpreter is identified based on the specific requirements and a connection is established between you, the interpreter and your counterparts. At the end of the call, you get billed and the telephone interpreting service activity gets logged on your dashboard for easy tracking. Sign up to obtain your personal account. There are no costs, setup fees, monthly fees or minimum commitments.

Here the video explaining how to do it!

Using state-of-the-art IT & telecommunication technologies, ablio makes language interpretation services easily available to everyone, in any context, by creating tools and service platforms that are supported by its own community of live interpreters.
For further information please visit our websites:
ablio.euGeneral Website
ablio.comOPI Platform
ablioconference.comSimultaneous Interpreting Platform