Margit Schlösser German/Spanish/English Interpreter

With more than 15 years of experience as a freelance conference interpreter, I have covered assignments inside the operating room, during corporate negotiations, bilateral and multilateral meetings, state visits, embassy events, medical-pharmaceutical conferences, regulatory authority audits, oil & gas or commissioning equipment in industrial facilities among others.
I am a member of CMIC (Mexican Conference Interpreter Association) affiliated to FIT. I very much enjoy the multifaceted nature of conference interpreting since in addition to the words I interpret body language, countenance and intonation of what is being said, in order to transmit the message in a culturally adequate manner for the recipients.
To hone some of the skills interpretation calls for, I took courses in voice management and medical/pharmaceutical terminology. After obtaining my degree in interpretation from ISIT (Instituto Superior de Interpretes y Traductores) in Mexico City I worked mainly as translator, which came in handy when I resumed interpretation, as it allowed me to accumulate an affluence of vocabulary and a general understanding of different subject areas.
In addition to the many benefits of RSI that go without saying, it will allow us to reduce the footprint of our activities.
I am very enthusiastic about the ablioconference platform and will recommend it to my direct clients. It was developed by, with and for interpreters and therefore is straightforward and easy to use. Before becoming an abilo interpreter I had to undergo a strict vetting process and I am very happy and honored to be part of the team.
Using state-of-the-art IT & telecommunication technologies, ablio makes language interpretation services easily available to everyone, in any context, by creating tools and service platforms that are supported by its own community of live interpreters.
For further information please visit our websites:
● – General Website
● – OPI Platform
● – Simultaneous Interpreting Platform