Choosing The Right RSI Platform For Your Virtual Events

If you are planning a virtual event, you have no other option than to use an RSI software platform for doing the interpretation.
These criteria should help you to find the one that suits your needs the most.
What is the platform for your virtual event?
If you are platform agnostic, you might opt for an RSI platform that has video conferencing facilities integrated within, as long as you are satisfied with the other functionalities that you need (registration, audience engagements, etc.). You might also use Zoom, but be aware of the limitations that the interpreters have, as described in the previous chapter.
If you have already chosen a platform, either a mainstream video conferencing or a virtual event one, the RSI platform will have to work in parallel with it, which means that the attendees will listen to the translations through a separate channel. The majority of the RSI platforms can do this and you are free to choose the one that offers the attendees the most suitable user experience and better integrates with t your event platform.
Do you want a full turnkey service or want to use your own interpreters, or use the platform by yourself with your operators?
All RSI platforms are offering turnkey services but only a few, like Ablioconference, allow you to use it with your own interpreters or operators. Some RSI platforms are also made available as a service through their own network of service partners/resellers.
If you plan to use it by yourself, ensure that your staff has access to the platform and have enough time for practicing it in advance so that they become proficient.
What is your budget and how many attendees will be listening to the translation?
For most of the events, you will see that the major cost is for the interpreters. Don't try to squeeze it: go for the quality, verify it and negotiate a reasonable price.
The overall price of the platform and its composition is different from each provider: for example, some platforms charge a price per user instead of a flat rate, costs by the hour or by the full day, or have monthly subscription plans.
Try to have a good estimation of the total number of attendees that will be listening to the translation before you start requesting quotes, since it greatly influences both the price of the service and the capacity of the platform to support it, especially if you expect a four-digits number of listeners.
Have you contracted out the production of your event to an external provider?
In this case the simultaneous interpretation will be part of the package, but understand and be aware of how it will be conducted and performed, ensuring it properly matches your requirements.